Inland Container Depot (ICD) of Goa Customs is located at Central Warehousing Corporation (A Govt. of India Undertaking), Verna. The Inland Container Depot (ICD) has full infrastructure as per circular CCSP 2007 & HCAAR 2009 compliance as per Customs Regulations Act 1962.

The Central Warehousing Corporation, Verna is functioning as ICD since 30.04.2001 with a capacity of 10,285 m2 (Covered: 5574 m& Open: 4711 m2 ). ICD complex is having a total area of 23,212 m2.

The some of the highlights of the ICD are as follows:

  • The Asstt. Commissioner of Customs (ICD Verna) is the officer in-charge of the depot & along with the other subordinate staff appointed by Customs Authorities.
  • The Superintendent (Preventive) sits at ICD & receives the Import/Bonded consignment from JNP/MPT. The Superintendent inspects the duty free goods for Export as well.
  • The Appraiser is also appointed by AC (Appraising), Customs House, Goa.
  • ICD has an e-LWB of 100 M.T. capacity.
  • The EDI facility was started at ICD from 03.10.2017.
  • The ICD receives the Import loaded containers from JNP/MPT on round trip/oneway  basis or as per client requirements.
  • It has appointed a regular HTC to meet out the challenges arises in near future. The HTC M/S Orient Box Movers , Mumbai is fully equipped and trained manpower to meet the challenges.
  • A well lit compound during the night hours operation conducted by ICD & have a proposal to establish a gen set for 24 hrs power back up for EDI /ICD operations.
  • The depot has installed a software for  paperless CFS Management system with automated SMS/e-mail generated through system to the partners.
  • 24 hrs owned Security arrangement to secure the ICD.
  • An in house arrangement is made to facilitate the EXIM trade for their Custom Exam, Palatization/ lashing/choking of their cargo at ICD.
  • The cargo can be nominated from other ports directly to ICD-Verna on IGM by shipping lines.
  • However, the depot is making arrangement for Refer Points to facilitate the perishable/medicinal cargoes.